Arthritis Specialist in New Jersey

Relieve Arthritis Pain, Joint Pain, and Other Symptoms of Arthritis With A Personalized Treatment Plan

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Get An Arthritis Evaluation With An Arthritis Specialist at Gramercy Pain Center

Arthritis is a joint disorder that affects millions of people around the world, and lowers their quality of life in turn. While arthritis symptoms may more or less be similar, the different types of arthritis that you can develop mean that you need an arthritis specialist to give you a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan.

At Gramercy Pain Center, we have extensive experience in pain management for arthritis symptoms, as well as providing short and long-term relief for all kinds of joint pain. Whether it's osteoarthritis or post traumatic arthritis from an injury, our specialists can help you get the relief that you need and improve your quality of life.

Different Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is a blanket term used to refer to any condition that affects your joints, specifically how the cartilage surrounding them starts to get damaged and degrade over time. There can be over 100 different types and classifications of arthritis, which means you need to see an arthritis specialist so you can get the treatment that you need.

The numerous varieties of arthritis also vary in the severity, manifestation, and progression of their symptoms. Some types of arthritis include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: is caused by an autoimmune disorder where your body attacks your own soft tissue
  • Post-traumatic arthritis: caused by an injury to your joint, which may take years before showing symptoms
  • Inflammatory arthritis: caused by an overactive immune system
  • Osteoarthritis: caused by the general wear and tear on the joint throughout your life
  • Psoriatic arthritis: caused by the same triggers that manifest as psoriasis

Signs That You Need To See An Arthritis Specialist

You can consult any of our arthritis specialists at Gramercy Pain Center if you suspect you’re at risk of developing arthritis, or you start developing one of the following symptoms:

  • Joint symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, and difficulty moving
  • Any tenderness or discomfort when you move your joints
  • Pain arising from a previously injured (even healed) joint
  • Joints that are warm, tender, or inflamed to the touch
  • Infections and other similar complications with a joint

Pain Management Treatments at Gramercy Pain Center

At Gramercy Pain Center, we believe in providing our clients with the best type of treatment possible – one that doesn’t just alleviate the symptoms, but also treats the underlying cause. By using non-invasive treatments, we can help you get relief from your symptoms and possibly slow down the progression of your arthritis.

Additionally, we also have other nonsurgical procedures that can drastically help improve your quality of life, like:

  • Steroid injections
  • Nerve block treatments
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Sacroiliac joint injections
  • Facet joint injections
  • Trigger point injections
  • Hyaluronic injections
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Disc decompressions
  • Cryoablation
  • Physical therapy

Arthritis is a life-long condition without any permanent treatment, but with our highly trained staff, innovative therapies, and the very best in tools and equipment, we can help you manage your condition without putting too much strain on your body. Contact our arthritis specialist today and get yourself examined for the best treatment plan for your specific type of arthritis.

Gramercy Pain Center: Your Partner For Arthritis Management and Pain Relief

Arthritis can be complex to manage, but that is only if the treatment isn’t personalized to the needs of the patient. At Gramercy Pain Center, our years of experience in helping our clients have given us a unique insight into the needs of arthritis patients, and the best way to address them.

Our arthritis specialist can guide you through the initial treatments needed to stabilize your condition, then walk you through the options that you can consider to improve your quality of life moving forward. We prefer using nonsurgical options as the first approach to arthritis cases, to avoid putting more strain on your body while still helping you recover from your condition.

FAQs About Arthritis Pain Management

Q: Can I treat arthritis at home?

A: As a degenerative joint disease, arthritis does have some allowances for being treated at home - although we advise all our patients to report for regular check-ins to ensure that they're getting all the help they can with their condition. This is especially crucial for older patients who are more vulnerable to developing complications.

Q: Can orthopedic surgery help with arthritis?

A: Depending on the severity of your arthritis, you can get special surgery to relieve symptoms like lower back pain or for joint replacement. However, these are options that Gramercy will only consider when other non-invasive methods don't give you the results that you're looking for.

Q: What other disciplines can help with arthritis?

A: Aside from physical therapists, sports medicine can also help with relieving arthritis symptoms in elderly patients who want to stay active. Keep in mind that you still need to consult a rheumatologist in addition to a sports medicine specialist if you want to be physically active while going through arthritis symptoms.

Experience Effective Arthritis Treatment and Chronic Pain Relief at Gramercy Pain Center

Joint inflammation from arthritis can quickly turn into permanent joint damage if left untreated - and even if it doesn't progress that far, arthritis can still impact your quality of life. At Gramercy Pain Center, you can experience non-invasive ways to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, as well as expert help on how to manage the progression of your condition. Contact us now or schedule an appointment online to know how we can help improve your lifestyle.
