Marlboro Township NJ - Climate

The population of Marlboro Township NJ is 5.5% higher than the state average, which is a result of a number of factors. The population is highly diverse, with approximately 22.7% of its households being made up of people of color. The population of the Marlboro Township is also diverse in terms of age, with about half of its residents being under the age of 18. Click here to find out more.

The township is also known for its recreational opportunities. Soccer, basketball, Pop Warner football, cheerleading and an amateur wrestling program are all available to residents. In the summer, free outdoor concerts are held, featuring many top-notch artists. Past performers include Jay and the Americans and Bill Haley's Comets. Lesley Gore, Little Anthony & The Imperials, and Johnny Maestro & Brooklyn Bridge have also played in town. Local talent also gets a chance to shine at these free concerts.

The township's climate is a humid continental and subtropical climate. This is one of the northernmost humid subtropical climates in North America. There are at least four months of average temperatures, and no significant differences in precipitation between seasons. The average temperature in Marlboro Township is around 30 degrees Fahrenheit. This climate is mild and sunny. Marlboro is home to two Little Free Library locations, one in the Morganville subdivision and another near town hall. The township has an Office of Emergency Management, which prepares and responds to large-scale emergencies. The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for ensuring that all residents are prepared. A great resource can be found here.

The Marlboro Airfield opened in 1954. It had two runways and a few airplane hangars. The airport was paved before 1972. It had approximately 100 planes in 1974. In 1975, the state's Aviation Advisory Council cited the Preston Airfield as one of the best-maintained airports in the state. In the same year, the township's recreation center built 21 additional hangars and a 840-square-foot operations building.

Point of Interest #1 Millponds Community Children's Playground, Tenison Pl, Morganville, NJ 07751, United States

Point of Interest #2 Millponds Community Swimming Pool, Tenison Pl, Morganville, NJ 07751, United States

Point of Interest #3 Be Scene Innovative Images, 309 Stratford Pl, Morganville, NJ 07751, United States
